Application is mp3 cutter and joiner for selected song. It is very easy to cut songs with this mp3 cutter application. You can customize songs as you want. When You open an application, there will be appear list of mp3 songs of your phone. Select the song you want to edit. You can easily see starting and ending point of selected song. Select area to be chopped from your audio. Touch on starting point and move to select starting point you want. Application automatically plays song begining with starting point position to easily find position you want. While playing a selected part of the audio, you can see an position indicator cursor. If you want more accurate mp3 cutting you can use zoom button locating at the top of application next to cut mp3 button. If you accurately selected part of mp3 you want to cut click on cut mp3 button to cut mp3. Cut part of song will be added in audio line. You can add another one part of mp3 song by repeating same steps as described above. If you like song but you do not like any part of it you can cut mp3, add parts of mp3 you like in audio line and than save new edited audio. So you just cut part of song you do not like. If you like any part of song and you want that part be played more times you can cut that part and add it in audio line multiple times. You can move right, move left audio parts by selecting them just by pressing on them in audio line. After audio edit you can listen new edited and cut audio mp3 by pressing on play button at the right of audio line. You can cut and merge the mp3 file. After every mp3 cut edited audio line will be updated, e.i. application automatically will merge mp3 and you can once again check new edited audio to be sure everything is right. If something is wrong and you want to cut another part of mp3 you can easily remove cut mp3 part by pressing on it and then on remove button at the bottom. Mp3 cutter application saves cut and merged mp3 in "external storage/Audio Editor" folder. You can cut only one short part of mp3 to set as ringtone. But currently application does not support that function to set cut mp3 as ringtone from application. So you can cut mp3 and after saving it set it as ringtone manually (without using mp3 cutter application).- Mp3 Cutter and Merger for selected audio- Multiple mp3 cutter- Multiple mp3 merger (audio part repeater) - Accurate mp3 cutting- Search function for song list